We take “Time when it comes to Wine”. This is the resolution of fifty-seven vineyard owners that have come together for this unique brand located in Lutry, in the heart of Lavaux, a Swiss wine region of international fame.
In our beautiful country, everything is a story of time. The whole world knows that Swiss watchmakers with their technological and artisanal prowess have achieved great feats for centuries. Or we could say, those who master time also master wine.
From the wine grower who looks after his vines and carefully ages his wines in barrels, to the consumer who collects and stores his bottles for years, it is the same passion and the same meticulousness which are at work. This is more than a simple metaphor, it is a real philosophy.
With watch making and oenology there are very few differences. In the rushed world we live in, where everything is measured by the second, we wanted to take time to do things well and create unique wine in a traditional way, whilst taking into account the numerous transformations and new knowledge that have been acquired over the years.
Your turn, take the time to visit our website. Have a Timebreak in Lavaux, come and visit our wine cellar in Lutry and try our wine.
Time 4 wine, for Terres de Lavaux, that means, first of all, respecting tradition. It was in 1906 that the vine growers of Lutry united together, combining their talents, to found what was to become Terres de Lavaux. Throughout history we have constantly improved our techniques whilst building on what the previous ancestors did to the best of their ability. The often steep and difficult to reach slopes and terraces mean that most of the work is done by hand, right up to and including harvesting the grapes. In respecting tradition, we continue to honour these vines that have been there for centuries and produce renowned wines. We do our very best to maintain our collections and our grape varieties.
…progress, due to diversification
Progress has allowed us to move from a production mainly focused on Chasselas, (the traditional grape of Swiss wine producers) to a diverse range of white and red varieties. They are often adapted to the different soil types in the region, and because of the demand for faultless quality this has given rise to the implementation of technical and cultural innovations. Over the course of our hundred-year-old history, we have constantly adapted ourselves to the conditions of production so as to respect our objective by offering diversity to satisfy our customers.
1906 An auspicious start. A hundred wine growers united together, combining their talents, to form the creation of the Association Viticole Terres de Lavaux. The Chairman is Maurice Bujard.
1922 A promising start. 3,000 bottles from the 1921 harvest were labelled and sold under the name, Association Viticole de Lutry
1925 First medal: The first gold medal was obtained at the national exhibition of agriculture in Bern
1935 A prodigal year: An exceptional harvest obliged the committee of the Association to build tanks at the committee members dwellings to hold a total volume of 192 ' 000 litres.
1945 1st vintage: An exceptional harvest: 620,000 litres. It was told, that, that was the best of the 20th century.
1949 Reward: The committee decided to give a reward for the best harvest.
1954 Six grape varieties: Six grape varieties are permitted. Three whites: Chasselas, Plant du Rhin (Sylvaner) and Pinot Gris and three reds: Pinot Noir, Gamay from Cudoz and Gamay from St Foix (Beaujolais)
1957-1960 Transition Despite having a bad harvest in 1957 projects flourished: a new building, a new cellar man and a new press
1961 Red wine and Dorin: Started vinifying red wine. Gamay and Plant non grafted. In the same year we also saw the birth of Dorin, the generic name of white wine from Vaud.
1962 The story of Forban: Forban was the first Vaudois Gamay launched by the Lutry Viticole Society
1966 Three new borns: In the same year, the association launched Feu Follet, its first sparkling wine, renamed 2F in 2016. A classic, Robin of vines came into existence and Jolicoeur... an exclusive creation.
The 1970s A new phase of transition took place with the association, during which interesting events continued.
The 1980s The return: In terms of the harvest, 1982 and 1989 represent exceptional years.
1990 A revamp: The labels had a facelift and Plan-Joyeux white was created. The 1990 vintage was considered to be one of the 3 best of the century.
1992-93 New grape varieties: The creation of Plan-Joyeux red (which was in the beginning a simple blend of Pinot Noir and Gamay). Also, planting of the first Gamaret and Garanoir vines.
1994 Congratulations: The 93 Riesling-Sylvaner won a gold medal at the Ljublijana International Wine competition!
1996 Eurêka ! The creation of Eurêka Wines LLC, a company importing foreign wine. The company took the opportunity to launch its website, being one of the first wine websites.
2000s Into the future! J.C Estoppey is our new and current president
2006 A great revival of the Centenary: 100th year anniversary of Lutry Viticole. Abandons a part of the name, ‘Association'. A new logo and 3 types of labels are created. Launch of the viticole gallery and the organisation of the first exhibitions. Creation of new labels (Orpheus, white specialities and Plan Joyeux)
2010 A new development! Lutry Viticole can welcome its guests to their new tasting room with a large balcony over looking the lake and the town of Lutry.
2011 Quality upgrading: Creation of a new prestigious wine, “3G”
2012 Change of name: Lutry Viticole chooses a new name worthy of their wine - Terres de Lavaux. At the same time adopting a new logo created by Oscar Ribes.
2016 Wine labels improved: Estelle Hofer, the graphic-designer, designs new labels for the “classic collection” regrouping the 3 chasselas (Lutry Tradition, Villette Robin des Vignes and Jolicoeur) as well as the newcomers; Epesses, Calamin, Dézaley, St Saphorin and also Songe Rose and Forban. To mark its 110th year, Terres de Lavaux LTD launched two special wines “Ma cuvée” and “2F”
2017 Embracing the future: Terres de Lavaux can now offer more than 50 different wines to try in their tasting rooms. Launch campaign, “Time 4 wine” and “Take a break in Lavaux"
...for the common heritage of humanity. Vines are no exception to the rule and may be listed as natural sites. Lavaux groups together a set of vineyards on terraces which extend over approximately 30 km along the south facing hillsides of Lake Léman, alongside Château de Chillon all the way to Montreux and the eastern outskirts of Lausanne in the Vaud Region. The steep terraces are supported by stone walls covering the downward slopes between the villages and the lake”.
On our website you will find a large collection of wines classified under the UNESCO World Heritage http://www.unesco.ch
“Time 4 Wine” gives meaning, to the well deserved classification which we are so proud of. Judge for yourself. The main criteria recognized by the world organization is that “The Lavaux vineyard landscape shows clearly its evolution and development over the past one thousand years. This is seen through the the well preserved buildings and the continuation and adaptation of longstanding cultural traditions, specific to the region". Another criteria , always linked to temporality is that ”The Lavaux vineyard landscape is an outstanding example demonstrating centuries of 'interaction between the population and its environment. Being highly productive and by optimising the local resources allows them to produce highly valued wine which forms an important part of the local economy."
Authenticity With more than a hundred years of existence, Terres de Lavaux maintains a tradition made up of know how and experience and continuously seeks to improve. This authenticity, is for you, a guarantee of quality
Excellence With competition from foreign wine and other local producers, Terres de Lavaux have set their standards extremely high in terms of quality and seek excellence
Innovation For Terres de Lavaux, innovation is second nature. From the very beginning of our existence we have never stopped forging ahead by anticipating the demands of our customers in order to better satisfy them. New grape varieties are regularly introduced and we are constantly improving our wine-making techniques
Audacity Because vines can be demanding, the weather merciless and consumers always want the best, we have therefore included audacity in one of our core values. We strive to always move forward and find new solutions, which are part of our commitment
Responsibility This is about the environment of the company. Terres de Lavaux aims to act responsibly. We use a method called organic cultivation, which we call , adaptive. We welcome our team of grape pickers and and our collaborators with open friendliness. All of these ways are part of our core values, and contribute to the quality of our wines
Passion All of the wine producers who participate in the Terres de Lavaux adventure are truly passionate about wine. They cultivate love for the vine and wine at every moment
Responsibility for customer service Whether it be on our website or in our tasting rooms, Terres de Lavaux does its best to welcome you and guide you through our vast selection of wines. On our internet site, our other forms of social media and at our tasting rooms we provide all the advice and information you need in order to help facilitate your purchase.